Industry Networking Lunch & BPMA Product Awards Presentation

We are delighted to host the Industry Networking Lunch and BPMA Product Awards Presentation this December in the stunning surroundings of St Pancras Renaissance Hotel in London.


Bringing the industry together this December to kick off the festive season, for the first time, we will be celebrating the winners of the BPMA Product Awards with a dedicated Award presentation. This event follows the BPMA Member Networking morning held at the same venue. For more information click here.

Join us for a sparkling drinks reception and sumptuous three course lunch in Hansom Hall at the luxurious St Pancras Renaissance Hotel.

Tickets & Tables

Bookings are open to everyone in the industry with preferential rates for BPMA members.

Book your places below using the relevant links, noting our terms of booking.

Distributor Booking Link – click here

Supplier Booking Link – click here for all sponsorship and ticket options

  • BPMA members: £110+VAT per person
  • BPMA Charter members: £100+VAT per person
  • Non members: £150+VAT per person

Tables of 10 are also available to book

  • Members: £1000+VAT
  • Charter members: £895+VAT
  • Non-members: £1390+VAT

Interested in sponsoring this event?

We have limited first come, first served sponsorship packages for the Networking Lunch for member suppliers. Please get in touch with Tom Robey for more information.

Booking Terms & Conditions

Standard booking terms and conditions apply for this event. Bookings are billed at the time of booking and our standard payment terms apply. All bookings must be paid for before the event. Cancellations can be made up to 1st November 2023. Cancellations by this date may be resold however a refund is not guaranteed.

12/1/2023 12:30 PM - 4:00 PM
St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel Euston Road London NW1 2AR