Member Networking Event: Sustainable Future of our Industry

Our next member networking event is now open for bookings, focused on the sustainable future of our industry in the stunning surroundings of St Pancras Hotel in London on Friday 1st December.


Network, discuss and debate

Following on from our successful member Conference in June this year, the morning event will set out the BPMA roadmap for sustainability, involving our attendees in discussion and debate about the road ahead for our industry. With invaluable steps forward being taken by the industry, our member involvement in the next stages is not only important, but essential.

Agenda 09:00 - 12:15

09:00 Sponsored networking breakfast

Before the deep dive workshop, distributor members attending will be invited to enjoy breakfast and network with supplier sponsors supporting the day from 9:00am before the workshop starts at 10:30am.

10:30 Sustainable Future Workshop

Charting our Collective Path: The BPMA Roadmap to a Sustainable Future

  • Shared vision for the industry and how we are going to get there
  • What the BPMA is doing to support member business growth through sustainability 

Accelerating the Path to Net Zero: Planet Mark

  • Practical steps on the path to net zero and what end users are expecting from you
  • Real-life examples of businesses setting their transition plans in motion 
  • Creating a credible transition plan 
  • Actionable initiatives you can implement today 
  • What is involved certification and why it is important for your business 



The StepForward Pledge: Member session 

  • Why the Pledge matters and what impact we are seeing: member survey results and discussion
  • Tracking our progress in the industry and with end users
  • 2024 and beyond


Who is this event suitable for?

The morning networking event is aimed at senior decision makers in your organisations, those responsible for commercial direction and development, sustainability and compliance.

Networking Lunch: BPMA Product Awards Presentation

In addition to the packed networking event, we are hosting a festive industry lunch where we will presenting the BPMA Product Awards. Click here for more details.

Tickets available now

Tickets for the event are now available for the Networking Event and Lunch and can be purchased together or separately, noting tickets and tables of 10 are available to book for lunch. The morning is only open to members and the lunch is open to the whole industry.

Distributor Booking Link – click here

Supplier Booking Link – click here for all member only sponsorship and ticket options

  • Distributor members: £100+VAT
  • Charter Distributor members: £95+VAT
  • Non-sponsoring Supplier members: from £50+VAT (morning only)

Industry Networking Lunch & Product Awards Presentation

There are tickets from £110+VAT per person (member rate) and tables of 10 to book.

Interested in sponsoring this event?

We have limited first come, first served sponsorship packages for the Member Networking Event and Lunch for member suppliers. Please get in touch with Tom Robey for more information or see Supplier booking form.

Booking Terms & Conditions

Standard booking terms and conditions apply for this event. Bookings are billed at the time of booking and our standard payment terms apply. All bookings must be paid for before the event. Cancellations can be made up to 1st November 2023. Cancellations by this date may be resold however a refund is not guaranteed.

12/1/2023 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel Euston Road London NW1 2AR